Letters to a Sister

letters to a sister antiquarianI love antiquarian books.  Not only do they physically last well for posterity, they also were made beautifully (e.g. with golden engraving, decoration, etc.).  Books used to be a testament of things valued.

I’m ecstatic to own an antiquarian copy of Letters to a Sister by Harvey Newcomb published in 1851 and in excellent condition.  One of the joys of owning an antiquarian book is the surprise of finding treasures in between the pages.  For example, I’ve found an old note written in beautiful penmanship, and very old leaves in between other pages.  Of course, I’d like to believe these actually survived from back in 1800’s! 🙂

This is one case where one may judge a book by its cover.  Besides its sturdy and lovely cover, it likewise has solid and beautiful contents.  The series of letters had been lovingly written by the author to his younger sister after both of their parents passed away, to provide her practical guidance and wisdom for life.  Though first published in 1839, much of the advice therein are timeless and relevant for Christian ladies today as when originally published because they transcend the passage of time.

It provides practical directions for Christian ladies in cultivating intellectual, social, moral, and religious areas of life, including prayer, improvement of time, charity, Scripture reading & study, overcoming temptation, conduct & attitude in public worship, meditation, bodily health, mental cultivation and reading, Christian activity & duties, sound doctrine, dress, social and relative duties (to church, family, friends, etc.), submission, contentment, and self-examination.  I also like how the table of contents divides each chapter into sub-headings of topics for quick reference.